Support Good News Church

We can’t do this without you.

It all begins with a commitment to making Good News Church a reality through your generosity. We believe wholeheartedly that God wants to reach the people of Denver, CO. We’re thrilled that you want to partner with that vision.

So, how do you start a church?

That’s a fantastic question! We only know the answer because we looked it up. First, God calls you to plant a new church. Then, you raise money, file some paperwork, build a launch team, and open the doors! Now doesn’t that sound easy?

For Good News Church to survive for years to come and provide excellent ministry, we need to raise $427,000.00 before our first church service.

Raised so far:


Plus the ARC Matching Funds:


Here’s where you come in.

  • We aren't here to ask you for money. In fact, we're only here to encourage you to ask God, "What do you want me to do?" and then do that! If God is calling you to support the church plant financially, there are instructions on this page.

    Our goal is to raise $427k before our first church service takes place.

    Don't forget, ARC matches up to $100K of the funds raised, basically doubling anything you give!

  • If you live in Denver, we want you to consider joining the Good News Church Launch Team! This church will work without you, but it would work a whole lot better with you. We would love for you to think about joining the launch team by clicking on the launch team tab at the navigation bar.

  • God is the one who builds the church. Sure, it might be people who set up chairs, but it is God who fills and grows the church. That means our first step is prayer. It's not something we do, prayer is who we are. Its the foundation of everything Good News Church is a part of.

The Association of Related Churches (ARC) has supported us with training, coaching, and resources. In addition to that, they will match up to $100K in funds raised towards the church plant. That means every dollar you give to the Good News Church Plant is essentially doubled. This incredible generosity makes our church plant possible, and we are so grateful for the work that ARC does and their investment into us as leaders.

ARC will match $100k

$427k is a lot of money.

How do I decide

how much to give?

The simple truth is that we can’t tell you

how much you should give

Only God can tell you.

You’ll have to ask Him 

“God, what do you want to do through me?”


  • You can give online through the website or mail a check to Joy Church at 19831 Rocking Horse Rd. Bend, OR 97702 with "Good News Church" in the memo line. You will receive a year-end giving receipt and all the applicable tax information for your charitable contribution from Joy Church.

  • Launching a church requires both a launch budget and a year-one operations budget. You can check out those budgets in detail below.

  • Yes! Joy Church (Bend, Oregon) our sending church, supports the Good News Church Plant. In addition to that, Converge Church (Longview, Texas) supports us as well. There are many other churches that have supported us both spiritually and financially, and we are so very grateful for them.

  • The Association of Related Churches (ARC) has supported us with training, coaching, and resources. In addition to that, they will match up to $100K in funds raised towards the church plant.

  • Financial support for Good News Church Plant is a charitable donation, and will be reported to the government. You will receive an end-of-year giving statement for all that you contribute.

You have no idea how ridiculously grateful we are that you would even consider supporting this church plant. No matter what you give, or how you support, we want to say thank you.

Thank you.

Budget One: Launch Costs

It all begins with a couple of chairs, some pipe and drape, speakers, lights, and a box of fliers to hand out. Everything in this budget is designed to get us to day one. These funds are used to create an atmosphere for people to meet Jesus and have their lives transformed forever.  

Budget Two: Operating Costs

While the church is made up of people and it isn’t the building, it sure helps to meet in one! It’s even better if that building has lights and some heat. Keeping the finances of our church healthy for the first year while we build a solid foundation is essential for long term sustainability.