Launch Team

/lôn(t)SH tēm/

Noun: The group of heroes who make Good News Church a reality.

What does a Launch Team do?


They help prepare spaces for people to meet with God and His people. They attend Launch Parties and help prepare every part of Good News Church’s service. They do all that they can to make your experience excellent, warm, and inviting. They put other’s needs above their own, and humbly serve those around them.


The Launch Team commits to praying for you, our church, and our leaders. They pray for God’s provision and protection. They pray for people far from God to encounter Him in new ways. They pray for those who already know God to grow deeper in their relationship with Him. They win the war in the spiritual. 


The Launch Team learns to lead in new ways. They hone their skills and gifting, to become better at making a difference in the lives of others. They push past the status quo and develop new skills and interests. They challenge themselves to go beyond what they’ve done before and step into something more.


The Launch Team builds new friendships and relationships. They create a strong community where we can laugh, share a meal, and enjoy one another. It’s all about being the family that God designed His church to be. You’re invited to be a part of this wonderful group of loving people! 

Join the Launch Team!